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Body Corporate Residential Insurance Quote Online Form

Please complete the following information and submit this form to obtain an insurance quotation for Body Corporate (Residential).

All information you provide must be correct, true, and accurate as incorrect or misleading information may alter our quote and jeopardise cover if you proceed with a policy.

Please refer to the CGIB Financial Services Guide, Privacy Statement, General Advice Warning and Duty of Disclosure before completing this form.

You have errors in your submission, they are highlighted in red below *

Yes    No

If yes we are unable to assist. Please refer to the manager for alternative insurance quotes.



PREMISES - Details

Yes    No
Year must be 4 digits and in the past
Yes    No
Yes    No
Yes    No
Yes    No
Yes    No
Yes    No
Yes    No
Fire Extinguishers
Fire hydrants or hose reels
Fire alarms – Local
Fire alarms – Monitored
Fire/Smoke alarm
Yes    No
Yes    No
Yes    No (Available in NSW, ACT, TAS and WA)


Yes    No  
Yes    No  
Yes    No  


Important Information

By proceeding you agree to the Terms of Use of this site and that you have read and understood this Important Information about answering questions that we ask of you.
We will handle your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Completion of this form does not put an insurance policy/cover in place - you will need to contact us to arrange insurance cover.

Other Insurance Needs

Office Insurance
Management Liability
Landlords Commercial
Landlords Residential
Public Liability
Motor Vehicle
Home & Contents

* Mandatory Fields

Thank you for completing our online form.
We will endevour to contact you with your insurance details soon.